The Crack of the information age
So i have given in. Just like the guy pushing snapple on the cornor that switches from peach lemonade to peach crack on a thursday. I really thought I wouldn't get into the this whole blog thing, but alas, now the anon masses will read banal things that I write. So now i am part of the gutenburg process of this media transition. Really I have not much else to say and alas i have tried to be as pretensious as possible (please not the obscure references and the poor spelling).
really what got me started was seeing a guy's profile on myspace that was so sad in how pretensious he was about knowing about the mainstream. Under the little "your favorite books" section, he wrote about Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky. And then finished it by saying "if you haven't read or heard of these guys you are all just part of the machine and need to get a clue." Yup, he picked two of the most popular revisionist theorists of our time. Not to say they aren't entertaining but they are revisionist and really the John Grishams or Dean Koontz of modern scholarship. So I thought, hey, I can too alienate and puff myself up by writing abuot things i have read or thought. So how about them apples... Yeah that's what i thought, you all still believe the ego is just the mediator between the super and the id. Well yeah you're wrong; it's structured as language. If yuo don't know that you should get a clue and read Lacan. (Ok so that was all making fun. But then again i am probably just as big of a tool writing this and being pretensious.)
But Pretensiousness is sexy. Ya? Because everyone loves to be talked down to... right... why is it so quiet?... (muffled whimper)
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