Saturday, December 02, 2006

After Vacation Let Down

Well it is 5:45 in the morning on Saturday... It has been a weird adjustment comming back from a wicked exciting and fun vacation, and really my sleep schedule has not really gotten much better.
Anyways, I went back to work for the last two days, and realized how much i like vacation. And to drive the point home even more, everyone wants to talk about the vacation you wish you still were on.
The interesting thing is to tell the stories of all the strange adventures of traveling around an island 7000 miles away, and realizing just how special and amazing the trip it was. If only i could be a traveling therapist solving the worlds problems while seeing amazing marble gorges and eating squid on a stick.
The other interesting thing i realized is how much i am around people who swear. It was interesting in Taiwan, I only think i heard one swear and saw one once on a poster. Now, i know that sounds odd, but going for 10 days, and not hearing anything that i recognize as an expression of profane anger was kind of neat. I realize that may sound a bit uptight but it was a truely unique experience. Now, i do realize that I probably heard some chinese swears, but really i couldn't understand them. It is amazing to be surrounded by happy and heathly people for such a long period of time.
Anyways, that was my musings for this early morning. But here is a fun picture from my trip to Taiwan.


At 7:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry you have to go back to work. Bleah..... but enjoy all that English! :-)


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