People Are Strange
LAst week I went to a great comedy show, and promptly got made fun of by the comedians because I was called on stage and my friends shouted "Danimal" alot. The unfortunate nickname of "danimal" provided fodder for humorous quips and prompt jibbing from the Comedians.
Anyways, the strange thing, is that last night, i was reading Michael Showalter's blog (one of the comedians) and some guy named "Liam" had tried to pass him self off as me in a post.... It is strange when other's want to ride the coat tails of me, and want to bask in the light of being made fun of by comedians at a show....
As a professional counselor, and someone who has a decent grip on human behavior.... I really have no idea why a person would do this... and thus, making the whole experience even more sureal.
How strange.
ha ha! Maybe I'm liam trying to be danimal... :-) Cause everyone knows you are so cool!
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