Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Two unconnected things

So I am really excited by this website because I am giant nerd, and my life has turned to taking care of a puppy instead of having a wicked cool social life on the town during the week nights... Ok well that was never true.
Anyways, I have spent hours learning completely useless things on this site. Tonight I learned that the longest one syllable word was used in a translation of Don Quixote in the 1600's. Anyways, I love the oxford people. Here is the link:

So here is number two: President Bush just vetoed a bill concerning stem cell research, and being one that loves being annoyed and not having a large position to triumph have been annoyed by Christians on both sides of the fense. I got an e-mail from a progressive Christian group chiding the president for vetoing the bill and all the people that will die because of the bill, but ignored the fact that the cells are taken from fertalized embryos that could develop into a human.... then a guy who wrote a self-described book on Christian Ethics praised President Bush for the veto.... But then talked about the ethic and goodness of the death penalty... yeah, too bad that a civilized country can't have a consistant ethic of life. I love that i get so annoyed with people who all are validating their positions by invoking Jesus to create views that people supposed cannot argue with it... I think Jesus would just be sad. I know I am, and I don't really know how i feel on the issue.

Horray, and Thanks Bethany for reading my Blog. I believe you might be the only one, but at least it is carthartic.


At 10:23 PM, Blogger Lyndsey said...

Don't worry, Dananimal, you have more than one reader!

At 3:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

See, I am not the only blog reader!!! I think my social life has been reduced to blog updates as well, so at least we are super cool like that together ;-)....


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