Monday, August 14, 2006

30 Days and why i cry in a small ball under my desk

I just finished watching an episode of 30 days from the FX channel. Granted i don't have cable and bought an episode off of Itunes. Anyways, the theme of the series is having someone live 30 days in an awkward situation. This episode was an athiest living in a conservative Christian household in Texas... and really this whole show made me sad... Why? Well it was all stereotypes on all sides.
1. Apparently, all Christians love the whole "war" metaphor that plagues the church and validates a horrific pro-war stance in the first world.
2. Athiests are all shrill and smug psudeo-intellectuals that only believe in not believing... Yeah so they just don't believe and that's cool, and they don't really need to explain why they have ethics and such, they just feel good so that is good.
3. The major crisis of faith is in the suburbs with people that have everything.

OK, so i didn't really explain it too well. The show had an athiest mother from Lawrence Ka move into a home with conservative christians (yes i know i didn't capatilze that) from Texas. So both of these families are more well off than i ever will be and more well off than 99% of people in world. Again a false dichotomy. It is easy to believe in anything as long as it is validated by wealth.
So the athiest never clarified where she got her ethic, and why she believed what she believed. She seemed to just hold to the shrill and smug belief that she had arrived and the CHristians had not.
The Christians made more infuriated. They kept saying things such as " well how to make ethically judgments without doctrine." And other stock, and useless arguments for people that only belive in humanism... Did the Christians miss the part about all humans being created in God's image... hmmm... maybe a universial ethic may be part of that.
Anyways, the most profound part was a clip about a church service the athiest attended. It was wrought with North American CHristian Cliche. It was about how you just have to experience the love of Christ and then really FEEL it, and then you will know..." When did the US Church move away from rationality and exigesis. Never once did I hear good exegisis or anything that didn't just appeal to a halmark feeling of God. No wonder people think Christians are dumb... We lost are edge by preaching to those who already believe and not ever challenging the cultural dogma we ingest every day. UGH! It makes me so frustrated...

So, why couldn't FX have the comfortable athiest go live with people like Tony Campolo in NJ, or my friend in Rawanda trying to build schools, or the people who give up wealth to work at the Union Gospel Mission in Downtown Vancouver? Or even me, who is frustrated with complaciency and the idolitry that I see in our North American Christendom? Why must I have to fight against this crate n' barrel, and Gap Christianity that I see everywhere and struggle to find an honnest and sacrificing group that I long for.

Have a good night Friends.


At 1:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for stoppin by and leaving a comment. Indeed you rightly assume that your old pal and my new pal Bethany lent her incredible vocal talents for my almost as incredible dance moves. together we make a slightly incredible duo.

At 3:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could not agree with you more Dan... I was looking forward to this episode, but now I am suffering from buyers remorse. My $1.99 could have been used for sooo much more. (yeah, that's right, three o's!)
They picked horrible people to represent both sides. The result: a show worthy of FX.
That being said, you have to check out the outsourcing episode. It is fantastic!

At 9:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think they don't show intelligent christians or emotional athiests because that would defy stereotypes (instead of reinforce them), make for intelligent tv (instead of immediate entertainment) and give humanity to people instead of making them into tv characters.. that's what I think :-)
love you and your rants :-)

At 9:59 PM, Blogger Lyndsey said...

I'm going to try and post again, and just see if this works tonight. Great blog, Dan, and I agree with's sad when so many Christians are doing so many wonderful things in this world, and they minimize that on TV so much. See ya tomorrow!


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