Monday, November 27, 2006

Stupid Second Wind, and musings on Asia

So I have just traveled back in time! That's right, for those thinking of traveling, i recomend asia, because when you come back you gain back some time and thus travel back to the present... alas i don't think it is back to the future.
But alas I have seen the future in Asia. I left Taipei at 10:30 am and arrived in San Francisco at 8:30 am! Crazy! Two hours before i even left.
Anyways, I must say that my 10 days in Asia were absolutly amazing and quite an intense experience. I believe part of the intensity is the fact that i knew i was leaving in 10 days when i got there. Thus, there was no thoughts of "huh, how i will i complete this certain task to survive." It was just "Huh, things are really different and I ahve no idea what is going on."
I also realized that alot of my mental heuristics have to do with language both written and spoken. Thus, i believe i was in a state of hyper-vigilience for the last 10 days. It was all trying to understand what was going on, and also to experience to the most. It was also exhausting.
With that said, I was happy to come back to the USA today. It is a comforting thing to come back to a place where i see Asians, latinos, african americans, and caucasins all on the same train... and that was even in Colorado! Also, it was nice to not have to work to figure out what signs said, or fear ordering food, or buying things because there will likly be alot of pointing.
I also came back with a huge respect and awe for my friend Bethany. She has adapted to living in such a different country so well, and it is a very encouraging thing to see. She amazes me in how much she puts her self out there, and is willing to do things that are difficult and rewarding. ALso, i am in awe that she was able to get cabs, and order our food.
Alas, it is 10:30, and I have only had about 2 or 3 hours of sleep in the last day, and I have my stupid second wind... Gah! I don't think i like jet lag. I really have no idea what time my body feels that is should be.
Anyways, I will quit this rambeling blog and share some more coherrant thoughts after i get some sleep.
Horray for forgien travel, but curses you long flights and jet lag.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

The Language of Love and Thanksgiving in another country

So right now I am in Taiwan. It is only the third country outside of the USA that i have been to. The first was the 4 years that I lived in Canada for college. Then on the way here, we had a layover in Japan...
"Why, a layover doesn't count!" You might say. But you would be wrong and here is the reason: Forigen Toilets! I don't know if it like this in Africa, Europe or South America, but Asia has squaty potties... Yeah, they are little porscelien holes in the ground, and in nice places you get handle bars.
Now I told numerous people that I was going to Asia, and a few of them had been here before, but no one mentioned this. The travel guides have not mentioned this either.
So i get off the plan in Nagoya, Japan after a 12 hour flight. All the urinals are full, so i go to the stalls. I open the door, and realize I am not sure what I am looking at.
Anyways, I have not used one, but I did get some sweet video of them that I will post sometime when i get back.
THe other thing is the joy of tonal languages.... It sounds like everyone is yelling and mad. Granted it is because I don't understand what they are saying. It makes me wonder if they whisper sweet tonal nothings into each other's ears...
Finally, we got yelled at by a crazy asian store owner and her husband yesterday because I assume they thought we stole something, i don't really know... BUt all we could do is smile and walk away as I believe they were yelling at us... It was humorous... and slightly odd... Oh the wonders of the far east.
I will post more and with pictures when i get back to the good ole' USA, Happy Thanksgiving.
Oh yeah, i forgot, my thanksgiving dinner, was meat pasta and red wine in China... That was funny. But it was good.