OK, so this is a bit delayed than the promised AM post, but this will be a bit of a long one covering various oddities in my life.
But first! Great BBC article!
Click here to read it! It's about a tribe of people in Vanauatu that worship John Frum... They believe he is Jesus and his spirit lives in the volcano. Turns out that in WWII these people were amazed by the technology that American ships brought to their part of the world that they thought they were Gods. So aparently, the soliders were told to say "I'm John from America." Thus... it then became that American Gods were "John Frum." And now they still worship the GI's they met. Hey at least one group of people love the USA!
Ok, so here are the other stories. Which are in the following order: 1. Dan speaking in Church, 2. Awkward run-in at Trivia night (aka people waving), and 3. plans for my March Break (AKA Tropical Craziness).
1. So this weekend I spoke at my church. It is a small little gathering of hip people who are open to differing ideas and dialoge, and even love Jesus too. So i managed to do a great mash-up. A mash-up on par with Danger Doom's Mash-up of Jay-Z and the Beatles for the Grey album, or that thing that Jay-Z and Linkin Park did. I discussed empathy, evolution, lent, children making fun of me, the saduceses, and Ash Wednesday. Yeah it was good. Anyways, I still don't know how i did, because it isn't like people would tell me if i bombed... but hey people laughed and aparently people learned about things i am passioned about. Which is good! And i acutually enjoyed it, but i also learned that I am really bad at following my outline. Maybe it is too much Prairie Home Companion.
2. OK, so after the church talk, a bunch of us went to Coopersmith's for lunch, and it was a racous 3 hours of fun. Following was hanging out with other friends doing Trivia night at Coopersmiths. So about 6:30, I noticed a woman across the way waving wildly. Now, i have a bit of a complex, and really don't get hit on ever, and really no one waves to me. So i ignore it. For the next three hours, i notice wild waving, and think it is someone behind me... So trivia finishes. Waving woman gets last, my team gets second. ANd then waving woman comes up and says, "Hey didn't you notice me waving?" And I say "Umm... I thought it was to someone else. Women don't usually wave at me." (Note: I am still not sure if i know this person).
She then says, " I am Sarah, the intern at Larimer Center." Then I realize who she is and realize, i do recognize her. Yeah, then i apologize for being a jerk. Yeah, so that was odd.
3. In a few weeks i will be going back to taiwan. I am going to visit my great friend Bethany! I am super stoked. The first few days that i am there, her cousins are going to be visiting her. So i decided not to cramp their style, i would try to travel the island by myself. Yeah, so i am going to travel Asia, alone and not able to speak the language or read it. So that will be exciting. I am planning to go to the resort area of Kenting in the south. It will be a grand adventure.
Now for the bonus posts.
4. I just bought a new camera. it is a cannon power shot sd3. It is freakin' cool. I will share pictures soon.
5. I downloaded a ring tone the other day for my phone. It was the Rolling Stones' Gimmie Shelter. Now every time my phone rings, I feel like i am in a Martin Scorcesse film.
Yeah so that is it for now. Thanks for reading.